Es laufen hier seltsame Gestalten umher, die Grundstuecker verkaufen, kaufen, vermitteln. Die Hotelbaumafia ist am Werk und ich will garnicht wissen was in 5 Jahren aus diesem vertraeumten Doerflein geworden sein wird.
Vilcabamba was, expect of the mountain hike, relaxing time, reading 3 books and hanging in the hammock. There is a book exchange in the village with plenty of german books, so we have fresh reading stuff - gorgeous (grandioso). I am glad leaving here, because I am sick of relaxing. Energy level is 120% and I am curious heading towards Peru.
Many investors and pseudo architects are in the city to plan the future envirement of hotel & hostals in this dreamland village. I think in several years this place will change radically into more expensive and exclusive business.
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