Im Radio spielt es oft Tokio Hotel - sehr verrueckt.
We decided to climb up a hill which is located in between the city of Quito. On the top there is a woman-statue who, so i think, should protect the city from the surrounding of vulcanos. Uphill we met some kids watching a scorpion and a spider - looked like these two had a fight but it was unclear what really happend. They were amazed by the technology of photoapparat ans I was amazed by these two animals. On the top of the hill we had an breathtaking view over the whole city which is approximatly 45km long. The City is never ending on the horizon. For dinner we moved again into the new City and ate Cheesburger. Later we went back to our hotel and watched a football game together with some old Buena Vista Social Club Hommies from Quito, surly drinking rum and joking with the less words we know in spanish.
Tokio Hotel is playing so much on the radio. *crazy*
auf dem einen foto mit den alten herren schauste ja bissl angsoffn aus :D