Am Nachmittag war mein letzter Tauchgang und wir haben eine gruene Murraene gesehen und anschliessend gleich 2 Schildkroeten die total elegant durchs Wasser geschwebt sind.
Das Tauchen hat mein Leben um grosses Stueck bereichert.
Heute gehts zum Strand, ein bissl rumkugeln, braunwerden und plantschen. Morgen frueh sind wir dann wieder unterwegs und bewegen unseren Popo nach San Pedro, von wo wir einen Flug Richtung Quito nehmen.
Yesterday I got my Open water certification, which gives me the opportunity to dive everywhere in the world as long as I am not going deeper than 18 Meters. I saw a really big Muray, a really huge one and 2 turtles showed up. Very elegant animals when they are under water.
In the evening we played a game called Beer Pong. A Tabletennisball must be thrown into a cup of beer, which afterwards the other team has to drink. Each team 10 Cups and 2 people. Was a lot of fun, but sadly enough we lost and had to pay & drink the beers from the other team.
Today will be relaxing fun hanging on the beach.
Tomorrow morning we will leave towards San Pedro and from there we'll go by plane to Quito.
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