Morgen startet unsere 4 taegige Jungeltour, wo wir unter anderem Machu Picchu "besteigen" werden
Tomorrow our 4 day jungle trip starts. We will visit Machu Picchu.
Montag, 30. März 2009
Samstag, 28. März 2009
Stadt Cuzco / City of Cuzco

Leider haben die Spanier hier wirklich alles ueberrannt, lediglich Gemaeuer sind erhalten, auf denen Kirchen oder sonstiges einfach draufgebaut wurde. Auf jedem wichtigen Bau der Inka steht heute eine Kirche. So schoene Namen wie Platz der Traurigkeit & Platz der Froehlichkeit sind heute nur noch Schatten Ihrer selbst. Wir besteigen jetzt einen kleinen Huegel in der Stadt und machen von dort ein paar Photos.
Wir haben dort einen lustigen Gitarrenspieler getroffen und hatten einen atemberaubenden Blick ueber Cuzco. Einige Lamas sind uns ueber den Weg gelaufen - lustig anmutende Tiere. Mischung aus Schaf, Esel, Camel und die Seele einer Kuh.
Heute erkundigen wir uns wegen der Inka Wanderrouten zu Maccu Pichu und anderen Ruinen, die es hier zahlreich gibt.
A city full of secrets, walking on very old stones, seeing old walls made from the Inka, topped with a big barock church. Small streets, differents smells and the air is really thin - walking up some stairs can be an adventure for itself. There were places like the "Place of Happiness" and the "Place of Tears" , but the spanish Conquers destroyed nearly everything, except some walls are still "alive". The city is very beautiful, even it is just a shadow of the past. The spanish built on every sacred place a church so there is nothing left from Inka Architecure, just ruins. We climed up a hill, by the way Cuzco is surrounded from hills and mountains, and saw cute Lamas and a funny guitar player, who let me play on this kind of guitar. Today we will inform ourselves which path on the Inka-Trail would be best for us.
Donnerstag, 26. März 2009
Mittwoch, 25. März 2009
Stadt Lima / City of Lima

Vor lauter Smog, Verkehr und dem bloeden Rumgehupe habe ich Kopfweh. Ich will weg hier.
Morgen um 16:30 fahren wir nach Cuzco, die Hauptstadt der Inka auf 3300m liegend.
Lima is a huge city, drowning in traffic and smog. I think Lima is the worst place to be in whole Peru. The main square is beautiful, but walking 50 Meteres away, towards any direction, smog and dirty will raise astoundingly(?). We live in Miraflores, which as a tourist is the place to be. Safe area with a lot of business - expect the smog is your everywhere friend. Ich have a headage. We will leave tomorrow at 16:30 towards Cuzco (3300m) the capital city of the Inka empire
Dienstag, 24. März 2009
Die Busfahrt nach Lima / Bustravel to Lima

We arrived after 18 hours of bustravel in Lima. We had a comfortbus, which made the journey more than acceptable. We had two meals comparable to the airline meals. After arriving we had a little sleep, in the noon we went to the beach and had a dinner at some strange restaurant
Montag, 23. März 2009
Heute fahren wir ca. 18 Stunden mit dem Bus und sind 11 Vormittags dann in Lima.
Today we are going 18 hours via bus to Lima. We arrive 11 a.m.
Today we are going 18 hours via bus to Lima. We arrive 11 a.m.
Sonntag, 22. März 2009
Mancora IV

Ich fahre morgen direkt zur ehemalig spanischen Machtzentrale des Amerikanischen kontinents - Lima.
Bin schon sehr gespannt. Die Zeit drueckt schon etwas, wir muessen noch 1000e Kilometer zuruecklegen.
I spent the last two days taking salsa lessons. I had a big fun, Salsa is nearly my frequency. My teacher offered me, to have a dance at the Salsa Bar. There I stept 10 times on here feets, but it was pure fun for us both, she said, I did a good job. After watching this, I started to leave the "Gringo" state and got into "Chico" state. Never thought that dancing with system can be that much good experience.
Tomorrow I will go to Lima, the center of the hispanic imperium of the past. I can feel a little rush because we still have thousands of kilometeres, and just 1 month left.
Samstag, 21. März 2009
Mancora III

We got in contact with a funny trio. He is from Netherlands and is in relation with the Canadian girl. The other girl is from England. Bernd nearly got...., but no. They opened a bar, a few month ago and I think they are doing a good job, mixing great drinks and made a good atmosphere.
Donnerstag, 19. März 2009
Mancora II

We occupied a beach section and the hommies here already know the "two lazy austrian bones" and pay respect. Sure because we pay everyday. Reading all day, doing nothing. Like lions lieing around and let the sea be the beat of time. 5 great book in german gave us opportunity for this atitude. Our waitress, she is the owner of this beach section, is such a good person, we already call here "Mum". It can feel so much warmth when she is bringing us the food. Today 'Mum' saved us from the Massage-Granny. She was arguing in spanish towards Bernd, I wanted to read my book. I was close to explosion, nobody understood and Bernd was delivering this problem to me and putting his sunglasses on. Mama came and saved the situation and we payed 20 Soles, like the deal was. We will stay a few days more.
Montag, 16. März 2009

Strange desert city on the pacific coast. Big sea waves, surfers and good nightlife, directly on the Pan-Americana. But also very crowdy. Keyboard ist totally shit. photos later.
Samstag, 14. März 2009
Heute ist wieder Reisetag und ich darf/muss deswegen den Bernd wieder ein bissl 'pisackn'.
Wir fahren heute die Nacht durch und erreichen Vormittags 'Piura' in Peru. Von dort ueberlegen wir -zum ersten Mal- an die Pazifikkueste zu fahren.
Tonight we will go by bus towards Piura in Peru. On traveldays and nights I have the legacy to poke Bernd in his "dreamy ass". Tomorrow morning we will decide where to go and what to do. Fact will be, that we will swim the first time in Pacific Water. Maybe dive?
Wir fahren heute die Nacht durch und erreichen Vormittags 'Piura' in Peru. Von dort ueberlegen wir -zum ersten Mal- an die Pazifikkueste zu fahren.
Tonight we will go by bus towards Piura in Peru. On traveldays and nights I have the legacy to poke Bernd in his "dreamy ass". Tomorrow morning we will decide where to go and what to do. Fact will be, that we will swim the first time in Pacific Water. Maybe dive?
Freitag, 13. März 2009

Es laufen hier seltsame Gestalten umher, die Grundstuecker verkaufen, kaufen, vermitteln. Die Hotelbaumafia ist am Werk und ich will garnicht wissen was in 5 Jahren aus diesem vertraeumten Doerflein geworden sein wird.
Vilcabamba was, expect of the mountain hike, relaxing time, reading 3 books and hanging in the hammock. There is a book exchange in the village with plenty of german books, so we have fresh reading stuff - gorgeous (grandioso). I am glad leaving here, because I am sick of relaxing. Energy level is 120% and I am curious heading towards Peru.
Many investors and pseudo architects are in the city to plan the future envirement of hotel & hostals in this dreamland village. I think in several years this place will change radically into more expensive and exclusive business.
Die Berge / The mountains

Insgesamt waren wir ca. 5 Stunden unterwegs.
In Vilcabamba haben wir spaeter mit einem alten Deutschen, einem nicht ganz so alten Schweizer Wein getrunken und uns ueber Gott und die Welt unterhalten. Sehr interessant die verschiedenen Tempramente der deutschen Sprache an einem Tisch zusammen redend zu erleben. Der Schweizer hat dann geglaubt er kann nach 3 Flaschen Wein, ein Bier trinken. Das Ergebnis ist ihm dann aus den Augen herausgequollen. Ich hoffe er ist gut nach Hause gekommen.
Yesterday we had a 5 hours walk through the mountains. The amazing surrounding of the Ecuadorian Mountains, which are green and full of vital energy. It was interessting walk and the aim of our tour was a composition of waterfalls. At this point the water is falling down from many plateaus and you can imagine the power of the water.
Afterwards we had luxury dinner in Vilcabamba. In the late evening we met again with an old german guy (70) and a Swiss guy (45) and drank chilenian wine and where talking about god and the world. The swiss guy thought he could drink a beer, after having 3 bottles of wine. Surly this is an amazing expirience in getting totally sick and drunk. Hopefully he came home safly.
Dienstag, 10. März 2009
Die Busfahrt / The Busride

Vilcabamba ist ein Bergsteiger Eldorado und wir werden die kommenden Tage wandern, bergsteigen und bei irgendwelchen Wasserfaellen schwimmen gehen.
Todays busride gave me perspective of some attraction/adrenalien park. The busdrive was totally heated in the head, crazy, stupid and had a big mindfuck. We had a seat next to the busdriver and saw directly on the street. He nearly shreddert a dog and i don't know if this animal is still alive. Other dogs could save themself even if they are lazy bones. Laying on the street like King "Chill". The story of the cow which maybe got an heartattack because our busdriver drove directly full speed into this cow family. surely he was breaking then, but he was arguing (?) with himself(?) about this stupid cow situation. I was praying for every animal and for my tiny ass. We had a short stop in a mountain village and the bus infront of us was opening his luggage space. Suddenly a Lama was jumping out of the luggage. How good hearted was this pure animal getting into the luggage system of an autobus? I won't tell the stories of how this guy drove down the serpentiens. My hands were wet and I was happy and glad leaving this bus alive.
Vilcabamba is an "Eldorado" for hiking and naturestuff. I think we will go swimming by some waterfall lakes and I will dream of some sexual phantasies there. Someday! *cudovna seks*
Sonntag, 8. März 2009

Gestern haben wir getrunken als gaebe es kein Morgen. Kuba is frei - bei der Menge an "cuba libre". Gefruestueckt wird im Cafe Austria, mit warmen Baguettes, Butter und Marmelade. Im Cafe Eucalyptus gibt es Pasta mit Pilzen und echtem Parmesan, dass die Italiener neidig werden und mir das Wasser zam laeuft. Keine Mosquitos und keine drueckende Hitze, die Berglandschaft in Equador is sehr entspannend, frisch und gerade perfekt fuer uns. Cuenca ist sehr schoen.
Yesterday we drunk like there is no morning. Cuba is free (drank cuba libre) and I am glad that we found our home. Breakfast at Cafe Austria and Pasta at Cafe Eucalyptus gave us great opportunities to have sophisticated Spiegel magazines and great italian meals. We are eating like Kings. No Mosquitos, cool nights, cuenca is nice.
Freitag, 6. März 2009
Donnerstag, 5. März 2009

Im Radio spielt es oft Tokio Hotel - sehr verrueckt.
We decided to climb up a hill which is located in between the city of Quito. On the top there is a woman-statue who, so i think, should protect the city from the surrounding of vulcanos. Uphill we met some kids watching a scorpion and a spider - looked like these two had a fight but it was unclear what really happend. They were amazed by the technology of photoapparat ans I was amazed by these two animals. On the top of the hill we had an breathtaking view over the whole city which is approximatly 45km long. The City is never ending on the horizon. For dinner we moved again into the new City and ate Cheesburger. Later we went back to our hotel and watched a football game together with some old Buena Vista Social Club Hommies from Quito, surly drinking rum and joking with the less words we know in spanish.
Tokio Hotel is playing so much on the radio. *crazy*
Dienstag, 3. März 2009
Die Stadt Quito / City of Quito
Travelling by plane gave us time to relax, eat and watch the stupid plane movie. We got up at 5:00 am and drove to San Pedro Airport. At 10 we had a stop in San Jose and about 14:00 we arrived at Quito. The Taxidriver learned us some spanish and we got straight into the place of our choice. I think we can load up our batteries here. The next 30 days will be an Odysee through the South American Continent.
Montag, 2. März 2009
Reise nach Quito
Sonntag, 1. März 2009
Roatan II
Am Nachmittag war mein letzter Tauchgang und wir haben eine gruene Murraene gesehen und anschliessend gleich 2 Schildkroeten die total elegant durchs Wasser geschwebt sind.
Das Tauchen hat mein Leben um grosses Stueck bereichert.
Heute gehts zum Strand, ein bissl rumkugeln, braunwerden und plantschen. Morgen frueh sind wir dann wieder unterwegs und bewegen unseren Popo nach San Pedro, von wo wir einen Flug Richtung Quito nehmen.
Yesterday I got my Open water certification, which gives me the opportunity to dive everywhere in the world as long as I am not going deeper than 18 Meters. I saw a really big Muray, a really huge one and 2 turtles showed up. Very elegant animals when they are under water.
In the evening we played a game called Beer Pong. A Tabletennisball must be thrown into a cup of beer, which afterwards the other team has to drink. Each team 10 Cups and 2 people. Was a lot of fun, but sadly enough we lost and had to pay & drink the beers from the other team.
Today will be relaxing fun hanging on the beach.
Tomorrow morning we will leave towards San Pedro and from there we'll go by plane to Quito.
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