Gestern Frueh sind wir wieder in Sydney eingetrudelt. Sydney gefaellt mir immer noch sehr gut. Eine der modernsten Staedte die ich je gesehen habe. Die Monoo - Skyrail schlaengelt sich zwischen den Haeusern durch. Meeresluft, Sonnenschein, Jogger und ueberall Palmen, das gibt schon was her.
Yesterday Morning we arrived in Sydney which is still my favorite city on the continent. (I havnt seen Melbourne). Sydney is very modern with a 'mono sky rail' going through tight streets, seabreeze, sunshine and a big jogging culture combined with palms and tropical plants make this 4 million city special.
Yesterday Morning we arrived in Sydney which is still my favorite city on the continent. (I havnt seen Melbourne). Sydney is very modern with a 'mono sky rail' going through tight streets, seabreeze, sunshine and a big jogging culture combined with palms and tropical plants make this 4 million city special.
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