Immer wieder ein besonderer Zauber Bekannte aus der Heimat an irgendeinem Fleck der Erde zu begegnen. Das Leben schreibt doch immer wieder die schoensten Geschichten.
Edith besitzt auch einen Blog ihrer ein jaehrigen Reise. (<- hier klicken) -- Yesterday I had a 20min ride by boat, towards an other island. Edith Stohl, mother of a close friend, she travelling as well, got in contact with me, telling me she is on Bali, looking forward to see one of the Gili Islands. So we decided to meet each other at evening. As I arrived in the harbour, not even after 5 minutes Edith is standing infront of me. The magic of meeting people from home at some small point somewhere in the world is amazing, and I am thinkin that life is still the best writers for stories. We took two bicycles, rent a room and drove on time around the island. A thing to do, missing so much. We arrived sunset-beach at sunset, buying a beer at the small Bar, which is just there because a big crowd of people is doing exactly the same. Watching sunset,with a beer 'in my own two hands'. Afterwards we are eating excellent seafood, drinking some beer, exchanging stories about 'what was happening' the last 6months. And surly this is a lot. Edith has a blog as well.
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