WIr sitzen im Bus und es dauert geschlagene 1 1/2 stunden bis wir Mexico City verlassen. Jetzt sehen wir auch die Slumsviertel und die eigentliche Mischung dieser Stadt. Nach 15 Stunden fahrt kommen wir in San Cristobal an.

Es nieselt in Wassertroepfchen und es scheint zugleich die Sonne. Tropen. Binnen 2min sind wir uns einig: Wir fahren gleich weiter!
3 Stunden warten, 6 Stunden Busfahrt und wir erreichen schliesslich Palenque

Es gefaellt sofort :)
Gemma ein Pivo zwitschern.
It all began with stress reaching the bus at the bus station. In fact we were late, but managed to be in time and had a 15 hour travel to San Cristobal (crazy night!). After 5min in San Cristobal we started talkin how to leave this place. Maybe this was a wrong decision, because a german couple living in canada, told that San Cristobal is the most beautiful place around here, and there is good nightlife ambiente; also Lizzy suggested this place to go. Anyway, it seemed better for us to reach this Ruin Village, Palenque. After 6 hours of traveling we arrived and were happy to be here. Found cheap hostel and also good ambiente.
Oil painting
Oil paintings
Modern art
oil painting artist
oil painting factory
oil painting supplier
Hand painted oil paintings